U G effin' H.
i think im ready to go back 2 school.
the whole limited freedom/belittling comments/underrestimating my intelligence thing is really blowin' my life.
so. i work at a doctor's office - and i do the whole clerical thing. thats cool; however i work w/ these self-righteous WOMEN...(because only the men in this office are doctors, with 2 exceptions) who really sometimes get under my skin. Not to mention, my mother works on the physical therapy side - which has a bittersweet taste to it. Surprisingly my mom is the least of my worries because we are separated so we dont head butt. But anytime i head butt w/ 1 of the C R O N E S (teehee) theres always a coarse comment attached, about "ohh you are rude, you need a beatin'", "imma call your mom, whats her extension", "you are so disrespectful" and corny shit like that. I always have found it funny how when elders are disrespectful and you backlash some of the same shit they were dishing you - they are the first to cite disrespect on your behalf. cute. real cute.
i find it also very cute when they are caught in a compromising conversation and they feel the dire need to make everyone uncomfortable by pointing out that i am TOO YOUNG TO HEAR OF SUCH THINGS. 1. im not. lol ; 2.) half the foolish/roller-type/"damn bitch i cant believe you just said that" shit they say - ive said/done/heard/txted/emailed/or thought it MYSELF; 3.) as a generation - now its time 2 get socially/psycologially technical about things - we have succeeded our parents w/ the amount of knowledge we have at our current ages. The things they have done in their 20-30s are the things we have already done in out teenage years - which kind of makes me scared for my children, not even talkin on my behalf. Not all of the chickies here are like that - but they all have their moments when they can be reallly naive about what is or has been going on. smh. crones. ugh theres more..i just dont feel like elaboration/typing (teehee).
older people who dont think their older or dont act as such ..really bother me...i hope i dont evolve 2 one. Yikes.
We all are at different places of our lives - and to assume that just because i dont advertise/incriminate/or document all the bullshitcrazy shit ive done doesnt mean it never happened.
ok im done venting. ttyl.
ciao bella.
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yayyyy!!! chelliLuv is a blogger!!!!!!!!!!!
i shall link you...like ASAP
BTW-please feel free to confiscate all things needed for mental, spiritual, & emotional stimulation..by all means.
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