skin im in.

Today's post isn't going to be that grand. I'm in an amazing mood -- but I have sooooo much work to do. My mind is so scatter brained right now but I think I'm going to push through and get today's work DONE. I've decided that I need to start doing more posting on my business's blog..( It gets to be overwhelming -- seeing that I'm the owner, designer, accountant, assistant, legal counsel, and everything else. I've had a few assistants in the past but they haven't worked out exactly the way I'd like them to..but all of this will make sense in the end -- "If there is no struggle, there is no progress..." right?! I'm giving an interview on Sunday for the assistant position -- hopefully this girl works PRAYERFULLY.

This past weekend I was in Philadelphia and I delivered Tommy's birthday cake -- I guess it can be considered as my last "hurrah" in that relationship. His sister and I had planned for my mom and I to make the cake before the ish hit the fan and we "broke up" (dramatic quotations because we were in more of a SITUATIONSHIP than a RELATIONSHIP) ; so I felt it was still right for me to follow up with our inital plans. It was a bittersweet feeling that I was even in the vicinity -- saw his sister (of course) to deliver the cake, one of his cousins...and even his barber..then RANDOMLY...his best friend texted me to find out his shirt size...what? It was all too weird being there and not being with him but I managed..hey, I'm not dead right? Good! *positive thinking* good friend Shardel traveled with me, we stayed with a great friend of mine, Keyanna --- and we ate good, did some light shopping, laughed, joked, caught up, and just fellowshipped. That's always a good thing -- especially when you introduce friends who don't know each other and they mesh really well.

While I was there, I bought these earrings from an afrocentric consignment shop and I just absolutely love them..mainly because of the meaning of the symbol (Unity in Diversity), and the fact that it is the same symbol as my only tattoo -- Its FUNTUNFUNEFU-DENKYEMFUNEFU; a West-African Adinkra symbol. I'm planning to get more -- I haven't decided which one...possibly this one or this one -- to symbolize this new season in my life. idk..
Bible study is tonight!! Then scandal afterwards!! On another unfortunate situation has happened and now my nephew is staying with us for a few days. It's kind of "fun" playing the mama role -- just to see how patient, loving & kind I may need to be in the future. So while I'm watching scandal with my mama, I'll probably get him some fun/engaging busy work to do so he won't feel neglected...check me out..thinking like a FOR NOW....gotta get back to this work. Peace.



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"If they only knew....the girl with the tattoo..."

GOD'S CHILD. jewelry designer. | #teamHOUSEOFMIMI. accountant. DevaSTatingly made. closet fashionista.
voted: BEST PERSONALITY in HS. i suck at texting back.