Kingdom Kid Glow.

I've had a very great weekend. I'll go into detail in tomorrow's post but I'm really blessed to be under God's protective covering me. So many things could have went wrong --- but GOD! 🙌 I'll keep you in suspense -- but in other news..I took some time to do my makeup the other day and realized I haven't lost my talents (which was something I thought, since I don't do make up that often anymore). I can see my blessings glowing through my body and it feels great -- sorta like how they say.."you are what you eat"..what you put in spiritually exudes physically...and is intoxicating to others moods and the words of my great friend Alysha.."I BEEN DRANKIN...HOLY WATER.." and it feels great! Haha...




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"If they only knew....the girl with the tattoo..."

GOD'S CHILD. jewelry designer. | #teamHOUSEOFMIMI. accountant. DevaSTatingly made. closet fashionista.
voted: BEST PERSONALITY in HS. i suck at texting back.