lmfao, I need to get better at updating this thing.
it started on the 6th of Dec. and school starts on INAUGURATION DAY (sucks i know), but i guess ill decide what ill do when it approaches - go 2 school and appease the man (tee-hee), or fight the power and support our 44th. idk..pending.
lets get 2 the nitty:
1.) THE REDUNDANCY OF PAST RELATIONSHIPS - wtfxup w/ old bait tryna get back in good graces? I have yet to grasp that concept all together. What goal is trying to be accomplished - or have they finally come to their senses that i might just be suitable enough to lug home to Mama Bear. i dont freakin know..but its starting to blow me. ugh.
2.) MR. BIGG - ok..if you havent noticed...i have a Mr. Bigg...(ya know, like Carrie - SJP if you will) and im starting to re-wonder whether or not this thang is worth continuing. It's literally been a whole year..no seriously...this month - probably this day i would be debating whether not ill call or wait for him to call and all that jazz. R E A L pressed. We had just started something that i swear woulda been reaalll shhmmoovee - but to the contrary, not the least bit shmoove. I've had boyfriends - and boos - and i see traits in him (compared to those fools) that I wouldnt mind seeing or seeking out in someone else. He's funny, very intelligent (sometimes a know-it-all), a babeee, independent, caring sometimes; but he also has those obscenely ANNOYING traits - too logical, secretive, terrified of commitment, doesnt know how 2 show appreciation, and some trust issues. It's getting kind of old primarily because he has taken a whole year to finally disclose information that would've been a GREAT LISTEN a whole year ago; but i cant judge - some express differently than others. Idk. i guess if this is supposed to work out in the end it will :/
4.) MRS. BIGG - Ive come to the conclusion that I only have a Mr. Bigg, because of karma. For years i've bullshitted on someone who really cared about me - just as ^^ is doing to me. And its not like i dont love/care about him ("SJP in this case") - it was just that i felt a on/off connection...and it wasnt enough for me to be with him in his totality. ****HMMMM maybe thats Mr. Bigg's problem...who knows******But he now is talkin' 2 someone who deserves him :) - and im happy, cuz at the end of the day i dont really think i did.

so. im fed up.
COMPLETELY FED UP with the amount of people/acquaintances/fbfriends/etc. claiming their newfound "self" with the passing of the hour. wtf? How is it logically possible to make a complete change in less than a day? Boggles me. Dont get me wrong - wanting to change/saying you will change is the first part of actually making a change - but w/o the whole action, what is it besides hot air. ugh. LOS PERSONAS SON PERDIDO.
well...besides that - i guess im just a lame...nothing else is really bothering me.
until 2morro my sweet.
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