DAY of REST. - retrieved (shouldve been posted

Happy Sunday folks.....even tho its almost over...or by the time i press *publish post* it will be but none the less hope you had a phenomenal Sunday; got your spiritual fill from the pew, couch, bed, or sitting next to the radio listening to "SUNDY-MORNIN' WARSHIP" - teehee.

I'm starting to feel a sense of completion. There are still MANY more things in my life I would definitely love to accomplish, but i'm feeling more and more at peace with myself - the decisions i've made, the situations i've overcame, and the seasons that have passed. C O N T E N T.

SO, i was in the craft store with mama & babiest bear (lol) and i've decided to go back into business for myself. In my early HS years - i used to sell homemade stuff. I think i'm gonna get back to to follow....





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"If they only knew....the girl with the tattoo..."

GOD'S CHILD. jewelry designer. | #teamHOUSEOFMIMI. accountant. DevaSTatingly made. closet fashionista.
voted: BEST PERSONALITY in HS. i suck at texting back.