It's Ash Wednesday! The first day of the Lenten Season! I'm really excited about this season especially since last year was soooooo good. Tommy and I fasted from each other, I also fasted from alcohol, stayed away from a lot of secular music, & spent more time strengthening my relationship with God. A few of my lss (19, 25 & Tail), became my sounding boards during Lent 2013 -- we still have that group chat going to this day..

It was "sooooo" good because I was soooo free. With Tommy not being around, it was easy for me to worry less about him and more about my own well being. I think God wants me to appreciate singlehood, and that was the first time I was away from him and there was no resentment involved. During this Lenten season I will definitely reflect on last year, post some entries, and see what areas still need some work and what areas I've drastically grown in. This year -- with Tommy completely out of the picture, I want to focus more on what I hope to achieve and GAIN in this season FOR LIFE, as opposed to what I'm just giving up for the season.

One of my FB posts today was "Let's not talk about what we'll give up for Lent this year. Let's focus on what we achieve to gain with true sacrifice to God. When Lent is over, how will we be better in life? #LightCheck #FixYourKingdomGlow #RefreshRenew" 

I'm going to use that as a benchmark for this season each day. "Am I really cultivating the true essence of a sound relationship with God through true sacrifice with abandonment?" Last week's bible study was amazing. We talked about King David & his divine love for God -- how it involved true selflessness and abandonment. I honestly don't think I'm there yet, but it's something to aspire to be like. 

With all that being said...I still want to get a concrete list of the things I will fast from, in an effort to better my relationship with God to emulate King David's; which will be beneficial beyond this season -- and use it as a daily reference point to check.
  1. Alcohol -- which will save me a few coins (ain't mad at that! lol), yes...WINE TOO.
  2. Sleeping In -- waking up at 6 -- EVERYDAY *cringe*, which will allow me to spend more time with God...IN THE MORNING & it will allow me to use my time more wisely.
  3. Concrete Planning -- which will allow me to be more organized & do more of God's work.
  4. Sabbath -- not just Sunday worship but anytime worship -- learning and remembering bible verses
  5. Taking Extreme Care of my Temple -- emulate the Prov. 31 woman; she was always fly, she worked out & took care of her body. Feeding herself with the best & not junk. 
 I'm excited to see how I'll grow...stay tuned!!

P.S. -- I started Yoga...I'M A YOGI NOWWWW! *Namaste* *Bows Gracefully*

P.P.S -- I'm getting better at this thing!!! THREE RECENT POSTS!!! TURN UP -- for Jesus! lollll..



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"If they only knew....the girl with the tattoo..."

GOD'S CHILD. jewelry designer. | #teamHOUSEOFMIMI. accountant. DevaSTatingly made. closet fashionista.
voted: BEST PERSONALITY in HS. i suck at texting back.